Resolved #1475: pyRevit settings telemetry status box does not adjust to content.Resolved #1451: Load Error: Config file access.PyRevit CLI runs in user mode and can make changes to the user config* Then pyRevit CLI runs in user mode and can make changes to the user config* PyRevit CLI uses the admin config as a template to setup user config. Any config changes will be discarded since the admin config is readonly Writes to %PROGRAMDATA%, otherwise to %APPDATA% If it is running in elevated mode (system user): PyRevit runs in user mode and can make changes to the user config* Then pyRevit runs in user mode and can make changes to the user config* PyRevit uses the admin config as a template to setup user config. When there are no user config but admin config exits and is writable: pyRevit settings will show a warning that settings can not be changed When there are no user config but admin config exists and is marked as read-only: admin config: pyRevit_config.ini file under % PROGRAMDATA%.user config: pyRevit_config.ini file under %APPDATA%.If not, please feel free to open #1451 or file new issues: Hopefully this resolves file access issues on pyRevit runtime. ⚠️ Some fixes has been applied to the way config files are processed relate to recurring #1451 issues. Improved #1476: Add new revit versions to hosts database.📦 pyRevit CLI 4.0 Installer - Admin / System %PATH%.📦 pyRevit 4.0 Installer - Admin / All Users / %PROGRAMDATA%.🔹 See Assets section below for all download options pyRevit