After a five-year break he turns his hand to directing with feature Kiss Kiss Bang Bnag.Kiss Kiss Bang Bang doesn't start with a shot ripped from the opening scenes of Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard (1950) for nothing. Along with Die Hard (1988) it helped changed the face of the Hollywood action film, evolving it from a more straightforward genre filled with (almost) mute macho heroes, to one where slightly crazy guys would crack dark jokes about the predicaments they were in only to make things worse.Since then Black has gone on to become one of Hollywood's most “sought after” and successful action movie writers, penning the three Lethal Weapon sequels, The Long Kiss Goodnight and the high-reaching but woeful The Last Action hero starring one Arnold Schwarzennegger. You might know Shane Black's work from a little movie he wrote called Lethal Weapon (1987), starring a 'mulleted’ Mel Gibson and Danny Glover.