For this, it had sought Rs 900 crore from the Central government.In 2015, the Madhya Pradesh government envisaged the conversion of the entire ravine area of 68,833 hectares falling in the three districts of Morena, Sheopur and Bhind into farm land.The soil, which is prone to erosion, has to be strengthened – bunding.The area has to be first levelled – flatten the ravines using machinery.

The dry, granular surface material and light vegetation are swept from the slopes during showers, leaving the gullies bare.Badlands develop in arid to semiarid areas where the bedrock is poorly cemented and rainfall is generally heavy and intermittent.Badland topography is a major feature of the Chambal valley is characterized by an undulating floodplain, gullies and ravines.Ravines are a type of fluvial erosional feature and are formed as a result of constant vertical erosion by streams and rivers flowing over semi-arid and arid regions.The Chambal ravines are known for infertile terrain, water scarcity and frequent droughts.The project will be taken up in collaboration with the World Bank.A preliminary report for the same will be prepared in a month.The Centre has decided to convert large area of ravines in Gwalior-Chambal belt of Madhya Pradesh into arable land.Some Recent World bank Assisted projects.UPSC Geo Scientist Eligibility Criteria.UPSC EPFO Previous Year Question Papers.